Hello welcome to tech support thank you for this dataHello Boiz,
Today I comes with a new Database Leak. Try the Canva Database "Canva is a graphic design platform, used to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents, and other visual content". If you guys thinking this is useless for you,.>> Surely not, it is an Indian Site, all the combos are Indian HQ Combos. If you searching for Indian combos here is a Real Database, you can get the Guarantee HIT from these combos I will Give the Hit Guarantee as 60 -90 %, on Indian sites.
Site:- Canva
Count:- 400k
Type:- Email: Pass
Completely Dehased / Cleaned Email and Password
"The attacker stole records of over 139 million Canva users and the exposed data included real names, usernames, email addresses, and other sensitive personal information of users"
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
ضxdمرحبا بويز ،
اليوم أتيت مع تسرب قاعدة بيانات جديد. جرّب قاعدة بيانات Canva "Canva عبارة عن نظام أساسي لتصميم الجرافيك ، يُستخدم لإنشاء رسومات وسائط التواصل الاجتماعي ، والعروض التقديمية ، والملصقات ، والمستندات ، والمحتويات المرئية الأخرى". إذا كنتم تعتقدون أن هذا غير مفيد بالنسبة لكم ٪هار حوما٪. إذا كنت تبحث عن مجموعات هندية ، فهنا قاعدة بيانات حقيقية ، يمكنك الحصول على Guarantee HIT من هذه المجموعات ، وسأقدم ضمان Hit بنسبة 60-90 ٪ ، على المواقع الهندية.
الموقع: - Canva
العدد: - 400 ألف
النوع: - البريد الإلكتروني: Pass
تم إزالة البريد الإلكتروني وكلمة المرور بالكامل / تنظيفهما
"سرق المهاجم سجلات لأكثر من 139 مليون مستخدم Canva ، وتضمنت البيانات المكشوفة أسماء حقيقية وأسماء مستخدمين وعناوين بريد إلكتروني ومعلومات شخصية حساسة أخرى للمستخدمين"
*** نص مخفي: لا يمكن اقتباسه. ***
Nice content! Thank you.Hello Boiz,
Today I comes with a new Database Leak. Try the Canva Database "Canva is a graphic design platform, used to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents, and other visual content". If you guys thinking this is useless for you,.>> Surely not, it is an Indian Site, all the combos are Indian HQ Combos. If you searching for Indian combos here is a Real Database, you can get the Guarantee HIT from these combos I will Give the Hit Guarantee as 60 -90 %, on Indian sites.
Site:- Canva
Count:- 400k
Type:- Email: Pass
Completely Dehased / Cleaned Email and Password
"The attacker stole records of over 139 million Canva users and the exposed data included real names, usernames, email addresses, and other sensitive personal information of users"
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Thanks, Im looking for this.Hello Boiz,
Today I comes with a new Database Leak. Try the Canva Database "Canva is a graphic design platform, used to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents, and other visual content". If you guys thinking this is useless for you,.>> Surely not, it is an Indian Site, all the combos are Indian HQ Combos. If you searching for Indian combos here is a Real Database, you can get the Guarantee HIT from these combos I will Give the Hit Guarantee as 60 -90 %, on Indian sites.
Site:- Canva
Count:- 400k
Type:- Email: Pass
Completely Dehased / Cleaned Email and Password
"The attacker stole records of over 139 million Canva users and the exposed data included real names, usernames, email addresses, and other sensitive personal information of users"
*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***